We finally had the opportunity to take the dog up to the cabin! For one reason or another it just hasn't worked out, but this time it finally did. We "had" to sleep in the bunkhouse, it was horrible... sleeping on the world's comfiest bed, escaping from crying babies (sorry Charlotte, I know you can't help it), and chilling with the dog all weekend. We got to the cabin around 1am Saturday morning after driving pretty much straight from work. Erik the Red (our new car! Which I will do a post on soon... once we can spiff him up a bit and take some cute photos haha) was a champ, even without cruise control.
Saturday we spent the day at the lake, sitting at the beach and going for boat rides. I may or may not have gotten a little overzealous in my sun exposure and gotten a little sunburned, but it's okay. It was worth it.
We got a little PFD for Sadie, because she's not a super confident swimmer, which is silly. She's an awesome swimmer and she LOVES the water, but when she gets to a certain depth her eyes get huge and she immediately turns around and heads straight to shore. She looked freaking adorable in that vest though. Brady and I paddled over to the beach in the canoe so that everyone else (including the allergic people) could ride in the boat. I really want a canoe, or kayaks, or something. It was super fun to paddle around!
(Oh, and disclaimer, like a real genius I forgot my camera battery on the charger at home UGH so all of these photos are either with my phone, or the Rebel-formerly-known-as-mine... haha. It's my mom's now, and using it this weekend really showed me how much better my 60D is. It's absolutely nothing against the Rebel, it's a great camera, but I'm already spoiled, ahahaha.)
It's a little tough to called this a "beach" when it's really just a shale-covered mountainside that's super steep in some places, but hey. I spend most of my time in a floatie on the lake anyway. |
After Chris (my brother) & Co had to go back to the cabin with a sick Jason (poor dude), my mom relented and allowed the dog in the boat for a ride. SHE LOVED IT, duh. It was just like the car only more stuff to sniff!! We stopped at a bald eagle perched in a tree and took some photos, but mostly just enjoyed our boat ride.
After that, we paddled back to the other shore to head home for dinner and chillaxin'. We spent a lot of time outside that weekend because of the dog (she wasn't allowed in the cabin because of all of the people in our family with allergies :( ) and it was honestly really great.
Sunday started out really bright and sunny (it woke us up at 730am, but we went back to sleep HA) and ended up being pretty dark and cloudy and rained most of the day. I'm not even mad. I love when it rains at the cabin. There's just something so peaceful about the sound of the rain on the roof (even though it's a different sound since we re-did the roof), and being in the forest looking out across the lake as a storm rolls in. And the thunder is something else!! I love thunder, and it's magnificent at the cabin. When it booms in just the right spot it rolls all around the mountains surrounding the lake and it's just the dreamiest, most incredible sound in the world. AH! I LOVE THUNDER!
Okay, anyway, I spent most of the day in the hot tub on the patio or curled up in a blanket also on the patio just watching the rain. I could do that all day for several days in a row, honestly. It's so relaxing. And the nice thing about the cabin is that you never really have to worry about missing out on something, because it will always be there. Brady always rolls his eyes at me, but getting a cabin of our own (preferably one that's a little closer than 4 hours away) is more important to me than getting a house. I'll admittedly concede that I'd be satisfied with purchasing a plot of land that we can take Jackie to and treat as a "temporary" cabin, but I really want to have SOMETHING before I turn 30. Being on this side of 25 definitely makes 30 feel so much closer than it did when I wrote my
"30 Before 30" post, but I still want to make it happen.

After a little dinner we all packed up and rolled out. I cried (as usual), but we finally have our own gate key, so we can theoretically go whenever we want now. ;) hahahaha. As we drove out we saw a super thick and vivid rainbow (WHAT DOES IT MEAN?) over the lake. I of course stopped to take a photo, as did my mom (#twins) about 15 minutes behind us. Hahaha. The photos didn't do it any justice, honestly.
Don't ever go to Wyoming, guys. It's SUPER UGLY. |
We're still trying to do for our wedding anniversary this year. Honestly not much can top the
Kananaskis Trail (waahhh), and I'd love to go to Great Basin, but we can't take the dog and I work super late. So we'll see, I suppose. I'm sure you'll hear about whatever we decide soon!