So I (Jen) started a new job last week! Wahoo! I'm working at the Salomon store at the City Creek mall in downtown Salt Lake. Thus far it's been really relaxed, and easy, since I know a lot about the shoes and clothes already. (Thanks, REI) Last night we went up and visited our friends Kimberly and Dan up in Ogden, and went by the AmerSports Outlet (AmerSports is the parent company of Salomon, as well as Arc'Teryx, Atomic, Mavic, and other big brands). Basically it's my new heaven... let's just say the deals are SA-WEET.
Other than that, we haven't been up to much besides a lot of hiking, Minecraft (yeah... we're nerds), and planning the ROAD TRIP. We leave in a week and I'm really excited... and really stressed. Being the "boss" of such a big trip is stressful. Especially since things have been a little crazy in the financial department in our lives. I've definitely learned a lot about myself, about how far a dollar really stretches, and about how awesome my fabulous husband is!
I know the road trip won't be much of a "vacation," but I'm really excited to escape from the real world for a few weeks. Even though I'm sure the stress will be waiting at home to attack with a vengeance when we get back... I'm not even worried about it. I've spent so much time and effort planning this trip, I'm ready to just be on it already!! Don't forget to follow along at #ERT_2015 or follow me @mountain_groves!
And now for your enjoyment... some adventure pictures I've taken the last few weeks.
It was a dark and stormy night... |
B kicking butt up the hill after Lackawaxen Lake!
Look at my adorable dog!!! Ahhhh. |
One of my new favorite guide photos... from my last trip in the Reef. |
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