The Groves

The Groves

Monday, July 4, 2016


Okay, we need to have some real talk here.

I know a lot of my friends think I 'hate' America because I talk a lot about moving to Canada and how frustrated I am with so many things in America.
But you know why I'm frustrated?

Because I know America is better than this.

We are better than a racist billionaire running for president, and we are WAY better than actually letting him win.

We are better than letting our veterans sleep on the streets, even after dutifully serving our country.

We are better than selling off our public lands to the highest bidder to frack, mine, drill, and log until it has nothing left to give.

My frustration with America stems from seeing this country that I love with a deep, proud, undying love, struggle and fail. I LOVE our country. And maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with the national parks. They represent so much of what is good and pure in this country, and they represent that once upon a time we had an idea so good it completely changed the world. I cling to those parks because they are, to me, one of the things that makes America truly great. People travel from all over the WORLD to see these special places.

So when I stop talking about ways America needs to change, that's when you know I have truly given up hope. But until then, I will keep fighting for the country I know we can be.

Happy Independence Day, America. I'll pretty much always love you, even if the nutjobs who live here elect Donald Trump.

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