The Groves

The Groves

Sunday, November 9, 2014

"The Three B's"

Well, since I'm certainly not getting a bob or having a baby, I figured I might as well do the only B that remains an option for me as a newly married woman - start a blog. Ha! My husband is next to me saying, "no, please not a marriage blog" but let's be real here. Mostly I just enjoy blogging, and I've tried (and failed) enough times to re-start my old blog that the poor dead horse has been beaten enough, and it's time to put my pennies on a new pony. So basically it's my blog, primarily about our various adventures, and occasionally about our dabbling in DIY homey stuff. (Building a "gear closet" where there are currently stairs leading to nowhere, making a shelf unit to go behind our headboard, and making an enormous wall mural of Angel's Landing... you know, the usual stuff.) Since I've recently re-discovered my voracious appetite for reading, it's also highly likely I'll write about good books I'm reading/have read. Basically I'll just write about whatever the heck I want and you can read it if you want.
For starters, I guess I can tell you a little bit about me/us/him (despite his protestations).
I'm Jen. I grew up in Logan, spent my childhood getting lost in the woods and beating boys in ski races, and went to BYU. It was at BYU that my enjoyment of nature bloomed into a full-fledged need to be outdoors pretty much all the time. Various jobs, classes, and professors eventually led me to where I am today, working full time at Alta Ski Area and guiding slot canyons in Southern Utah on the weekends in the fall and spring. On top of being an "avid outdoorswoman," I'm also a huge nerd. My oldest brother Chris originally fostered a love of Star Wars, then my parents started reading Harry Potter to me right before Chamber of Secrets came out in the United States (yeah, I'm a hipster), and then I saw The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers movie, and that was it. I was pretty young, only 11, so I really had no idea what was going on, but from the second Treebeard showed up on screen... I was a goner. When I met John Rhys-Davies and told him that his character is what got me so involved into that magical world, I cried a little, and I think he did too.
He's Brady. He grew up in Sandy (mostly), and played baseball at Weber State before eventually transferring to the University of Utah. (Yes, can you believe we got married?! Scary.) When he wasn't playing baseball (which was... 98.9% of the time), he enjoyed watching Star Trek (his favorite series is The Next Generation, I'm pretty sure he has a man crush on Captain Picard... but who doesn't?), playing "vidya games," and hiking/exploring. He's way into genetics and early human evolution, and is currently studying anthropology at the U. When we go canyoneering I try to choose adventures that have petroglyphs or ancient Native American ruins near them so we can both be satisfied. He also is really amazing at retaining incredibly random information, finishing my obscure movie quotes, and being the most calm and easygoing person I have ever met.
We met in October 2011, when I randomly stumbled across his blog. I thought he sounded like a pretty cool cat, so I commented on a blog post and hoped he would see it. He did, and we commented back and forth on each others' blogs for a bit, before he finally gathered enough intel on me to add me on Facebook. A couple of weeks after that, we were on our first date, and a couple of weeks after that, we were "official" (aka he kissed me, and I said, "can I be your girlfriend now? Okay cool"). Fast forward 3 years and we've been married 3 months[ish]. So far I have to say marriage is definitely an improvement on dating, mostly because if we want to just lay around in our pajamas all day watching Netflix, it's significantly more publicly acceptable. And not having to share the dog anymore has been pretty great, too.

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