The day started pretty uneventfully; we went to the Visitor's Center and got our stamp, stopped by the post office in Babb to pick up the package lovely Jeralyn had overnighted to us, (with Brady's birth certificate... that was another whole fiasco! We had paid to have our passports expedited and they didn't arrive when they were promised. Guh. So we had to call the passport office and get them to send us back Brady's birth certificate so he could go on the trip! He had thought he wouldn't be able to go on the trip, but I refused to let that happen, so I did some intense internet research and got it to work out. Basically I'm the best wife ever) and finally headed for the border. The road we took was pretty rural and scenic and it seemed completely crazy to me that we were about to cross an INTERNATIONAL BORDER. But then we rounded the corner, and sure enough, there was the border crossing!

The Canadian Border Patrol agent was, ironically enough, Mormon, with a son on a mission (in Peru I want to say). We chatted for a bit before he sent us on our merry way. We took the obligatory sign picture at the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (which, side note, sadly enough, Canadian National Park signs are BORING!!!) and then headed into the park. Hello kilometers, you are strange.
We arrived in the park, found a place to leave the cars, and headed on our hike to the Bear's Hump. A few people stayed behind to play in the (very chilly) lake!
The hike was dang hard! It definitely kicked my butt. But the view was amazing! After the hike we had a bit of a snafu trying to find Cameron Falls and got a bit lost, but eventually we found it, and stopped for lunch.
After lunch we headed for Red Rock Canyon, and oh man was that place cool! We ended up spending a bit more time there because it was so fun. And that rock is SUPER red! A lot more "true red" than the rock in Utah! I would love to go back and spend a whole day playing and exploring there.
Fun fact: shortly after this photo was taken I took off my pants and sat in the water in my underwear. It felt amazing, just so you know. |
Canada is the land of the free dogs. Dogs are actually allowed (on leash) in Canadian national parks! What a concept!! |
After that, we were once again off on another adventure, this time on a long scenic drive to Canmore/Banff. And after the 'farmy' part of southern Alberta (which is straight up Great Plains, y'all), let me freaking tell you what- "scenic" does not even begin to encompass how GORGEOUS this drive is. It's still my favorite part of the trip. Legitimately mind blowing. I want to cry just thinking about it. I probably said, "IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL" at least 40 million times during that drive. (It's called the Kananaskis Trail, and it's mostly closed in the winter, and I want to live there permanently forever.)
Southern Alberta, y'all. |
"Texas Gate" aka cattle guard |
Eric took a lot of pictures of us while driving, but I'm not even mad. |
This is one of my favorite K-Trail images of all time. PC the amazing Andy Best. |
And of course, it being our anniversary, we had to take a cutesy photo. As you can tell, Brady was really thrilled. |
After getting quickly set up in our campsite, we headed to the Georgetown Inn in Canmore for dinner. It was a fun little "English-style" place, with good food (fab fish and chips) and GREAT poutine. (Yum.) Happy Anniversary to us! We made it a whole year... shock of shocks. ;) [Side note: I want to live in Canmore. Like, really bad.]
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